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Posts Tagged ‘Perfect mom

Mean Moms Club: The Moms Rule Book is a collection of 7 foundational rules to help you become a take charge parent with a plan, even when that makes you “mean”.

I’ve created a blog/video series to give you a quick overview of what each rule entails and how it relates to the others.

The first segment in this series is Rule #1: I’m going to be the perfect mom…yeah, right! In the short video below, I tell you the three key points of this rule. These key points are also in print below for those who would like to be able to go back to this information, especially as the series progresses.

Disclaimer (you know I have to have a disclaimer): I am not a perfect mom, nor am I a perfect video producer! But I think you’ll get the points, and maybe even enjoy watching it while you do.

Rule 1 Key Points:

  1. No one is a perfect mom, except of course June Cleaver and you saw what I did to her in the video. Most of us want to be and some actually believe we can be. No, it’s not possible. Accept that and life and parenting will become much easier.
  2. Once you accept that you can’t be the perfect mom, a beautiful thing happens. You get to buy out of the guilt that we are so good at. Guilt just wears us down, and we don’t need anything else to wear us down!
  3. Parenting is the most exhausting job you’ll ever have. To survive it you need a support network and you need to USE that support network. When it starts to feel overwhelming, and it will, know who to go to and know that’s it’s ok and in fact important that you do.

 The book of course goes into much more detail on these points and the coaching program helps you create a solid plan from these points with lists of support people and statements you can say to yourself to buy out of the “perfect parent” myth.

Stay tuned for the next rule summary in the series, with key points of Rule #2: You’ll always be my baby…no matter how old you are.

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